Food p0rn mostly. I like to cook grain-free/gluten-free/low carb meals. If I get my act together, maybe I'll even link some of the recipes.

31 January 2013

Spaghetti squash omelette with cream cheese pancakes

Omelette stuffed with cooked spaghetti squash - this is pretty filling and deceptively more nutritious.

28 January 2013

Fried egg with roasted tomatoes and sausage

Featuring roasted tomatoes from my garden last year.  Another quick weekday breakfast.

27 January 2013

Hot wings, veggie fries and grilled cheese waffle

A "meh" attempt at a grilled cheese sandwich.  Not so great.  But, homemade hot wings = awesome!  Veggie fries made from leftover veggies from our roast = yummy and easy!

Waffle with squash butter

Grain-free waffle topped with squash butter (yum).  I've only just discovered the delicacy of fruit/veggie butters.  I'm totally making more.

15 January 2013

Grain-free fried chicken, kale and mashed sweet potato

I guess it looks a lot better than it tasted.  It tasted good but it was most certainly not crispy fried chicken.

14 January 2013

Zucchini pasta

It's been awesome since I picked up this julienne peeler.  It makes my zucchini pasta look a lot more like pasta!  Even better, on my wishlist is the Paderno World Cuisine Spiral Slicer.  :D :D :D

09 January 2013

03 January 2013

Grain-free coconut flour waffles

Looks so wonderful.  But the texture/moisture of coconut flour waffles leaves something to be desired.  May have to experiment with a recipe that has more eggs or other liquid.