Food p0rn mostly. I like to cook grain-free/gluten-free/low carb meals. If I get my act together, maybe I'll even link some of the recipes.

03 February 2013

Chinese chicken soup with ginseng

This soup has chicken, dried longans (龍眼), goji berries (杞子), apricot kernels (南北杏), Solomon's seal rhizome (玉竹) and ginseng (花旗參).

I have to say, I grew up drinking a lot of chicken and ginseng soup from my mom.  I hated them, especially the ginseng.  Now, even the smell of the dried ginseng straight from the jar is awesome to me.  B thinks it smells moldy.  Not so.  It has a subtle taste in the soup and the soup is oh so delicious.

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